Created on Purpose: DNA turned into music

Lots of people have been asking me about my time at the School of Prophets in Redding... So here's a late nite recap of a few things to share. First of all, the worship times were amazing, such freedom and pursuit and presence of the Holy Spirit filled our times, was literally amazing and something I rarely experience to such a degree. So many of the things that were taught so resonated with my own heart.
Here's some of my notes and thoughts from the breakout session by Dano McCollum on the arts (quotes might not be 100% accurate):
He spoke about how "creativity is the highest manifestation of the divine nature" and that when we are being creative we are being prophetic." These are things that I fully believe, hence Silver to Gold written to inspire people to follow their hearts because I believe as they do so, they are more open to the Holy Spirit whether they are Christians or not. There is something freeing in the spirit as one creates. One of the most fascinating things that Dano shared with us though was in relation to the new DNA research that is going on. Scientists take DNA samples of animals and even people and instead of chart the findings in a graph, they match the graph with notes of music. We got to listen to the song coming from a dolphin's DNA. It was amazing, you could almost hear the dolphin jumping out of the water! We even heard one song of a human's DNA. If you want to hear the whole teaching including this and the songs go to the link and look under #13 Breakout 1A "Arts and Cultural Transformation by Dan McCollum". Can also learn more about DNA project and hear music at

Basically though, the DNA studies just helps demonstrate how we all have a song to sing. We are all specific and unique beautiful masterpieces that He has created to be beautifully ourselves. Birds were made to soar, fish were made to swim, we were made to be the unique and creative expression of our King. That will look different for each of us. What is important is that we not compare ourselves with others, that we follow our hearts and the dreams that God has given us, and express His love creatively through being fully the men and women He has created us to be.

So what is your song? What are your unique talents and gifts? What has God already given you and how can you use those talents and gifts to the fullest for Him? "Clearly you are an epistle of Christ...written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart"- 2 Corinthians 3:2

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