Faith in the Midst of the Credit Crunch

Not too long after her healing, in 1880 and at only 21 years old, Carrie published Prayer of Faith. Her book was revolutionary for that time. As there had not been many other books on the subject of divine healing published at that time, this would prove to be the start of Carrie embarking on a journey that would establish her as a key influence in the Divine Healing Movement. Her writing on this subject at that time brought new insight to many and a new hope that people could actually be healed.

Shortly after publishing her first book, Carrie continued to receive a flood of letters from sick people who were interested in learning about Divine Healing. Her and her brother Charlie both had the same idea that she should publish a monthly magazine on the subject. Her brother offered to give her $50.00 as a tithe to help her get set up.

After speaking with a well intentioned Methodist elder she knew who discouraged her from the project, she continued “to wait on God about this matter.” This minister “thought it would be too much of a venture for me to make, and he evidently thought that it would not be a success.” Interesting here how Carrie had to choose to discern what she believed to be the voice of God. She put weight on what the community of Christians around her was saying but at the same time made her own decision according her own interpretation of hearing God’s voice.

Finally, she was convinced that it was something God was leading her to do so she decided to put all of her brother’s donation into 1,000 copies of the first issue and to trust God after that. She dived completely into this project that could have easily failed after the first issue. Having absolutely no resources for issue number two, she knew that if people didn’t respond favorably and quickly then that would be the end of her endeavors with the magazine.

Nevertheless, she avidly distributed the copies of her first issue to everyone interested. To her great joy, many people who received her journal began to send in money for subscriptions. Thus, Carrie successfully launched her journal, Triumphs of Faith, in January of 1881 and would continue writing and editing it for over 60 years.

A couple years later in 1882, while “in silent prayer beside an invalid friend,” the idea for a faith home came to Carrie. Several months after that account, in her February 1882 journal, Carrie first introduced her idea for Faith Rest Cottage. Carrie was only 23 years old when the time had “fully come” for her to share with her readers the vision of the house.

She had already been receiving some money here and there that she put aside for this possible work. She urged her readers to pray alongside her for the possible home. People began to donate money towards this cause which she recorded in her journal. While Carrie did not initially have enough money beyond the first few months rent, she took a step of faith and believed that God would continue to provide for this work. She found a home in her neighborhood and rented it from a Christian lady who was sympathetic toward her cause.

Faith Rest Cottage was officially opened on April 3, 1882 and informally consecrated a few days later. The home remained running into the 1890’s before it closed because Carrie moved west. In California, Carrie opened a new home which is still there and running even to this day, over sixty years after her death.

Carrie Judd Montgomery was a risk taker. Trusting on God’s promises rather than on visible resources, she chose to look at the unseen rather than the seen. In her early twenties, she took some big risks and watched the provision of God not only initiate the work He put in her heart, but also provide the means for her to accomplish and finish the work that He started.

Without knowing what would be around the corner, without seeing a net below her feet, she chose to jump, to leap and then watched the net appear. Complete failure could have awaited her or, maybe that Romans 8:28 promise was embedded deep within her heart. Maybe she realized that if she didn’t 100% accurately hear from God, that as she moved forward in seeking Him, He would turn around all situations for her good anyway. Luckily though, her acts of faith came to fruition and became significant parts of her entire life. Both the things she started in her early twenties she continued until her death.

What if in the midst of this current Credit Crunch, we, like Carrie, could see God as the Source of all things, our money and jobs included? Looking to Him as the Controller and Director of our lives rather than the somewhat depressing economic circumstances? Life could be good, not safe, most likely dangerous and scary, but good nonetheless.

This story was found in Carrie Judd, "Faith Rest-Cottage," TF 2:2 (Feb 1882), 20 and Carrie Judd Montgomery, Under His Wings: The Story of My Life, (Los Angeles: Stationers Corporation, 1936), 76-77.

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